VPad stands for Vectorized Projection Assistance Display.
It is a vector screen that is projected from a bracelet on a test subject's wrist, a setup that allows them to see their current status during the experiment.
The VPad can be accessed with the keyboard shortcut [V] and provides a quick glance at your mastery, crafting menu, targeted Items replacement guide, and more.
Located in the upper left corner, it shows your Weapon/Crafting Mastery.
There are 6 Masteries: Weapon, Defense, Hunt, Craf, Search, and Movement.
Depending on the Mastery, you can gain various stats, so try to increase your level by hunting, crafting, searching, and more!
Tactical Skills
Tactical Skills in the bottom left corner are another skill type that can be upgraded by using Credits.
You can start by selecting your favorite Tactical Skill before the game starts, and you can level it up until level 3 so you can become stronger!
However, Tactical Skills can only level up from 2 to 3 by using the Kiosk instead of the VPad.
Targeted Items
The right side of the VPad is where you can manage your Crafting Items and Remote Drones.
You'll see your Crafting progress in %, and if you click on an unfinished targeted item, you'll the materials you need for it.
You can also call in a Remote Drone for any materials you haven't found yet by pressing a button with a price on it.
If you can't find a material, you might as well call it up! It's that easy!
Now, when you complete your targeted item, it will blink in the crafting guide.
When you enter the VPad, you'll have three choices of Legendary equipment to target in that area.
If you have any of the later items you've registered in your Saved Plan, they'll be the first choice, and the rest will be suggested based on skill amplification or attack power.
Now you can use the VPad whenever you don't know what to do next!